Saturday 5 January 2019

A really big round-up

You may have noticed that I’ve been extremely delinquent about blogging lately. Like, for the last five months. Yikes! Not that we haven’t been making progress on the house, but it’s been slow. And I’ve been wanting to post pictures of a completed room, but we still don’t have one. UGH! I’m going to post about our kitchen soon, but for now, here’s a rundown of what’s been going on with the house and life in general since way back in August…

I started working on a simple little patio project that’s turned out to be a not-so-little project! I cleared the spot, dug down 6 inches, filled the hole with stone dust, and then Brian did a rough fitting of the pavers. Still a work in progress, like everything else!



I went to the cottage and Ottawa for 10 days in August to visit my dad and friends. Also took in the Almonte Highland Games.


Shingling is a never-ending job! You can see where I left off and Brian took over – two levels of scaffolding is my limit!


Mmmmm, blueberry picking!

I started painting the drawer components for the kitchen cabinets white, but then thought to myself, why am I not painting them turquoise. So I did. Brian came up with his own design for the spice drawer. This is still a very much in-progress job!


Anniversary lobster rolls – YUM!

Just a cod hanging out at the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic.

I went to Cape Breton with my dad and his girlfriend in October. The weather sucked, but there was lots of good music, beautiful fall colours, and we learned how to make fudge.

Glass shades for our upstairs bathroom sconces custom made by Ravek Architectural Glass. Thanks Pam & Oded!

I’ve been a prolific hooker these past few months – that’s a phrase I didn’t think I’d ever say about myself!

Birthday homemade pierogies and the most decadent chocolate cake ever from DC’s Cakes.

A little Santa gnome decoration I made for a soup exchange.

A belated birthday celebration at Little Red Barn with friends, pizza, and Dame Edna glasses.

Stacking firewood is something I never thought I’d do. This is our only form of heat this winter – hope we don’t run out!

Back to Ottawa for some Christmas baking and visiting, and then off to visit my dad and his girlfriend and their new puppy.

I recently learned how to make a stuffed whale at The Lunenburg Makery, and now I can’t stop making them! Meet Wanda, Wyatt, and their little no-name whale :-)

Our first Christmas in our new house :-)

Here’s hoping for a great 2019!

Thursday 2 August 2018

Beach bums

We’ve had a lot of fog around here lately. Nine straight days of fog, in fact. Most mornings we wake up to fog, then there are varying degrees of fog during the day, and fog at night. Too much fog! So in attempt to escape the fog and just do something a bit different, last Wednesday I grabbed Jackson and we headed off on a little beach adventure.

Once we got farther inland, the fog disappeared and we had sunny blue skies on our drive to the beach. Yay! But we got stuck behind a truck painting the yellow lines on the highway. Boo! So I decided to pull over and take some pictures. I’ve been wanting to take pictures here for the longest time, and now I finally got my pics :-)

highway 4

highway 2

highway 5

highway 3

Once I figured the truck was far enough ahead, we continued on our way to the beach. And we did manage to avoid the truck, but not so lucky about the fog!

foggy beach 2

foggy beach 1

foggy beach 3

trees in fog


It wasn’t so bad, though. With the fog all around us, it felt like we were the only people on the beach. Well, us and this seagull…


A small break in the fog…

clouds 2

It looks like this rock has a big pink crazy hairdo!

pink seaweed

We could hear the waves, we just couldn’t see them very well.

waves 1

Strike a pose, Jackson!

jack 1

jack 2

jack 3

What have you done to your tail?!

jack tail

So in the end we didn’t really escape the fog, but Jackson and I had a relaxing and peaceful afternoon together being beach bums :-)

foot and paw

We finally did have some sunny days – three straight days, in fact! – but as I’m writing this blog post, we’re surrounded by fog again today. Oh well, what can you do!

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